Land Values in Kansas, Oklahoma and Colorado

  • 3 years ago

What Are the Land Values in Kansas, Colorado and Oklahoma?

What is my land worth today?  

Almost everyday, sometimes several times a day I am posed the question above.  While this is a simple question, there should be an easy and straight-forward answer………Right? 

Ultimately there are several factors in accessing a property’s value.  Factors are comparable sales, location, acreage size, current land use, future land use, market activity, commodity prices and economic stability, to name a few.

With a successful history of closing deals, large and small, our team of licensed agents and brokers serving Kansas, Colorado and Oklahoma would be happy to provide you with a no-obligation consultation.  Contact our office today at (888) 818-1954 or send an email to

As a disclaimer, Stutzman Realty & Auction and it’s associates are not a licensed appraiser in Kansas, Colorado nor Oklahoma.

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