Interacting with Buyers & Sellers During the COVID -19 Crisis

  • 5 years ago

Market Activity and Showings are Active!

Face mask – Check.

Gloves – Check.

Hand Sanitizer – Check. 

Clorox Wipes – Check. 

COVID-19 Changing the way we show houses – Check! 

This has been my reality for a while as a real estate agent.  It has been an adjustment because what I love most about my job is interacting with buyers or sellers all day.  The new restrictions have put a stop to that. Normally, we ALL go to a showing; often, Grandmas and Grandpas join us.  It really is a family affair.  Showings are often full of laughter and conversation due to the excitement and anxiousness of the potential buyers. Simply put,  showings are fun! 

The past couple of months home showings have still been occurring, they just look a bit different.  I have done several virtual showings.  A virtual showing is a live 360 degree video taken as I walk through the house, alone. The buyers are not with me physically of course; they are joining me live via facetime or a similar program.  I, like all agents in this position, do my very best to show buyers every detail of the houses, just as if they were there in person.  It has worked very well.  During Covid-19, we have sold and closed houses virtually, and we have a couple in the works today.  Buyers bought houses without ever stepping inside the houses.  These buyers were comfortable with the live interaction via facetime, additional videos and photos.  It worked out well for everyone.

Having said that, not every buyer is comfortable with the virtual process.  So, those buyers/sellers have just been patiently waiting for the country to begin to re-open.   I am now showing houses in-person if you have been waiting for that.  We still take precautions to ensure everyone’s safety, but physical showings are definitely happening now. 

Which buyer or seller are you?  Virtual or Physical?  There is no wrong answer here.  Fortunately, the agents at Stutzman Realty are here to serve you with the type of showings that YOU are most comfortable with.   So, if you are ready now to list your home, call me (or any agent at Stutzman Realty) and we will talk about what works best for YOU.   Let’s get to work! 

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